December 13, 2008

The power of amazing women

My friend Katie just sent this me today. She's one of those people I want to be like when I grow up...even though we're the same age :o) When I first listened to it, I was in the customer service line at Kohls waiting to return something. I had to hold the phone up to my ear so I could hear it over the elevator music playing in the background. It took every fiber of my being not to completely bawl my eyes out. Still, a bit teary-eyed, the cashier looked at me as if this wrong shirt had just sent me over the edge or something. Poor thing.

This is for all my ladies out there who constantly pick me up, dust me off and whisper encouraging words in my ear. For all of my sistas who are truthful and honest and real with me. For those who will be vulnerable with me, who listen with care and for those that laugh at my jokes...even if it's just to make me feel better :o) For those who live in the moment, who are patient with me, and love on my children. For those who worship with me, pray for me and lift me up daily. Thank you thank you thank you

This is for you:


  1. Oh, what a great tribute to the power of women friends! I thought of you when she talked about Monday morning workouts together! You are a gift to me as well sister.

  2. Beautiful... I needed to hear that. I feel that way about our little group. hugs!

  3. Love you Joni, love you Jen. Thanks for making my life richer.


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